Submit your Music


A song (mp3 or wav)
Upload your New
Song here (mp3 or wav format only, 320 Kbps or better).  
Before you proceed make sure that you have
: An
email account, A Twitter account,  Your song in Mp3 format or wav format, an updated bio
(optional but important for your promotion).

  Full Album (zip)
Upload an EP or a Full ALBUM (in a .ZIP or .RAR file that contains all the tracks of the Album in mp3 or wav format (320 Kbps or better) and maybe an introduction file (mp3) to your Album with your own voice.
Before you proceed make sure that you have: An email account, A Twitter account, All the MP3s or wav files of the Album in a Zip (or Rar) file, an updated bio (optional but important for your promotion).

There is no limit to the size of your Album. We’ll treat the tracks of the Album as individual songs and start playing them right away in our “New Music” show.
We are playing Albums in the “Full Album” show only for promotion.
Please visit  for more details and prices.

  intro (mp3)
Upload an intro promotional file for one or all of your songs. 
Before you proceed make sure that you have An
email account, A Twitter account, the Intro file in Mp3 for the song that you like to introduce.

You are not sure which of your songs we already have? Click this link: Song Database

What happens after you submit your music?

Your Songs (or Album), are sent to our  Song Database
We evaluate the tracks but mostly for recording quality and genre
We rate the songs from 0 = reject to 5 = we love it  Read more about our Star system here
The same day we schedule them for AIR play on
"New Music" show
We let you know the exact AIR play time in (PST) with a Tweet. Depending on their rating, your songs will be scheduled for ROTATION for future play in our regular program and the "New Music" show.
When your song is 120 days in our Song Database we stop rotating it any more and stop playing it in "New Music" show unless there is a Donation made for it.
Songs that are over 120 days old (4 and 5 stars) are rotating in our "Open Vault collection" until they are 2 years in our database. After the first 2 years they play only in our  "Indie Shuffle" Classics show.

Music metadata
, which is also commonly referred to as ID3 metadata, is the information embedded in an audio file that is used to identify the content. This data which is in most (if not all) of the files in your digital music library, can be used by a wide range of consumer electronic devices and software programs. The most common reason for using embedded metadata in a digital audio file is for identification purposes. The details of a song for example can be displayed during playback to make it easy for you to identify it.
Depending on the audio format used, there is a special area (normally at the start or end of the file) that is reserved for metadata that identifies the encoded audio in several ways. This information can be useful for managing and organizing your library. Examples of the types of information that can be stored in an audio file's metadata area includes:
The title of the song - The band or artist's name - The Album name that the song originates from - Type of music (genre) - Album track number - Year the song was released. Read more.

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